We Provide Real download link for 5k_d1_en.exe driver file, you can download official hp 5k_d1_en.exe drivers files free here, driver file size:0.7 MB, Just download 5k_d1_en.exe driver files for your hp device now!
5k_d1_en.exe will create a two disk software update for the HP OmniBook 5000. This software update should be used on all English and foreign language versions of the HP OmniBook 5000, with any build less than 43. The volume label of the C: drive indicates the build level. The format of the label is 1TRID##ABA, where ## is the build number. Place the file 5k_d1_en.exe in an empty directory on a PC with a 3.5 inch floppy drive. Run the file from a DOS prompt. It will expand into four files. The files are README.TXT, 2FLOPPY.EXE, DISK1.IMG, and DISK2.IMG. Print README.TXT and follow the instructions carefully.