We Provide Real download link for dj354en.hqx driver file, you can download official hp dj354en.hqx drivers files free here, driver file size:4.3 MB, Just download dj354en.hqx driver files for your hp device now!
This driver supports the DeskJet 350C and 350Cbi printers for Infrared (IR), and USB-to-Parallel connections for the Macintosh in the following manner:
Printing using a USB Connection - Macintosh OS 8.1 - 9.x
Printing using an IR Connection - Macintosh OS 8.6 - 9.x
Installation instructions:
Download the .hqx file to a newly created sub-directory on your local hard drive.
The StuffIt expander will automatically expand the .hqx file.
Double click the "Dj350 Installer" icon.
This will automatically launch the installation.
Follow the step-by-step instructions, which will appear, on your screen.
Select the item "Deskjet 350" on the Chooser Menu to configure this printer.