We Provide Real download link for dj9602en.exe driver file, you can download official hp dj9602en.exe drivers files free here, driver file size:2.5 MB, Just download dj9602en.exe driver files for your hp device now!
This driver supports the hp deskjet 9600 series printer on Windows NT 4
This driver supports the hpdeskjet 9600 series printer on Windows NT 4.0.
It contains ONLY the driverand does NOT include installation instructions, the printer driver uninstalleror the printer toolbox.
1. Download the file ontoyour local hard drive.
2. Choose View then Optionsin your Windows Explorer. Check that the settings "Show all files" and"display the full path in title bar" are enabled.
3. Double click the .exefile.
4. This will extract allcomponents necessary for the "add printer" installation, onto yourhard drive. Make a note of the location of the extracted components. Release Date