We Provide Real download link for dj987en.exe driver file, you can download official hp dj987en.exe drivers files free here, driver file size:2.2 MB, Just download dj987en.exe driver files for your hp device now!
Before you install, create a new folder. For this example, we'll use c:dj990.
Change directory to c:dj990
Download the driver to c:dj990.
Double-click on the exe you just downloaded, the installer should run and proceed with the on-screen instructions.
If the installer doesn't automatically run, do the following: You will see a 3 letter language directory that the archive has created. For example, the English driver will have the directory enu. Run the setup.exe from within that directory.
In the Program Manager, select File => Run c: dj990enu31disk1setup.exe.
From Floppy:
In the Program Manager, select File => Run disk1SETUP.EXE