Home> Download hp Drivers> Download jsp1-eng.zip Drivers

Real Free Download HP jsp1-eng.zip driver file

We Provide Real download link for jsp1-eng.zip driver file, you can download official hp jsp1-eng.zip drivers files free here, driver file size:2.4 MB, Just download jsp1-eng.zip driver files for your hp device now!

jsp1-eng.zip driver file free for hp

Driver File Name jsp1-eng.zip
Device Type Microsoft Windows CE, Handheld PC Edition Version 3.0 Service Pack 1
media Type Electronic
File Description HP Microsoft Windows CE, Handheld PC Edition Version 3.0 Service Pack 1. If you already have Microsoft Windows CE, Handheld PC Edition Version 3.01 in your Jornada (check version in Control Panel, System and then System), you may not have to install this. For more information on the upgrade procedure, warnings before installations and a list of improvements over Version 3.0, please read README.TXT in the JSP1-ENG.ZIP file. Download the JSP1-ENG.ZIP to a temporary directory on your desktop PC and uncompress the file to two files README.TXT and CE_SP1.EXE. Please ensure that you read the README.TXT to verify whether you want to install this Service Pack 1. List Languages Available: American English, International English.
Release Date Oct 21, 1999
Update Date Sep 15, 2005
Version 3.01
OS: Windows CE etc..
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