We Provide Real download link for setup_basic_8270_14-5.exe driver file, you can download official hp setup_basic_8270_14-5.exe drivers files free here, driver file size:1.5 MB, Just download setup_basic_8270_14-5.exe driver files for your hp device now!
This is the minimum driver required for basic WIA functionality (USB only). This driver enables scanning with the Windows Photo Gallery on Windows Vista or the Scanner and Camera Wizard on Windows XP. Scanning can also be done with a variety of 3rd party scanner enabled applications.
1. Run the downloaded file to install the driver. 2. Connect the scanner to the PC after installing the driver. 3. When the installation has completed, the downloaded file can be deleted.
Original Software/Drivers
Updated Driver * EUP and Win 8 releases.
This setup_basic_8270_14-5.exe driver file fit for these kinds of hp product: