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Real Free Download HP sp30837.exe driver file

We Provide Real download link for sp30837.exe driver file, you can download official hp sp30837.exe drivers files free here, driver file size:3.5 MB, Just download sp30837.exe driver files for your hp device now!

sp30837.exe driver file free for hp

Driver File Name sp30837.exe
Device Type HP iPAQ h6300 Pocket PC Series GSM Firmware Update
media Type Electronic
File Description This package contains the ROM Update Utility (RUU) and ROM image for the listed handheld model and operating system. Use Microsoft ActiveSync to synchronize the personal information manager (PIM) data with Microsoft Outlook on a desktop and to save a copy of user data, if any, before performing the ROM update. After completing the ROM update, establish a new ActiveSync partnership with the desktop. The handheld will be synchronized with the PIM data from Outlook. Reinstall any user-installed programs and user data, if necessary.Because of changes in the registry and system files introduced by the new ROM, the new ROM will not recognize a backup file generated using the previous ROM.

Important Note!

    • The RUU replaces the current ROM image and erases the partnership and all user data and user-installed programs on the handheld. It is important to read and understand the information in the Readme.txt file included with this update BEFORE installing the package.
    • Disable the Standby and Hibernation modes on the host PC. If Standby or Hibernation mode is activated during the upgrade process, a critical error may occur.
    • Plan enough time to complete the update. The total time to perform this ROM update is estimated at 20 minutes with a USB connection.
    • Do not interact with the handheld or remove it from AC power or the cradle/cable once the status bar appears on the handheld and the actual update has started.
Release Date Jul 15, 2005
Update Date Feb 12, 2010
Version 541E
OS: Windows Mobile etc..
Download Download Free Now

  1. Download the SoftPaq .EXE to a directory on your hard drive.
  2. Execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to unpack the ROM Update files to a directory. (NOTE: This directory should not contain any file or folder from any previous ROM Upgrade.)
  3. Establish an Activesync connection between the handheld and host PC using the USB connection.
  4. RUU.exe will start automatically. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the ROM upgrade. INSTALLATION NOTES:
  5. During the update, the ROM Update Utility will: - Query the handheld for current ROM image information. - Validate that the new ROM image is compatible with the handheld. - Automatically place the iPAQ handheld in Flash mode. - Update the ROM image on the handheld.
  6. If an error message is displayed during the process, follow any available instructions to correct the condition and start the ROM Update Utility again.
  7. The update process can be performed while connected to a
    • Provides GSM Firmware version 541e Update, which fixes an issue where dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) did not work with interactive voice response (IVR) systems.
    • Wireless LAN Driver build 63, which fixes the following issues: - Fixes i
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