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This package addresses the issue where the Global Positioning System (GPS) on the HP iPAQ Voice Messenger device is unable to populate the altitude with respect to the sea level. This release allows the update to be performed on the iPAQ Voice Messenger models and operating system.
The package updates the product supporting the following SKU IDs or Product IDs: FB142AA#AK6, FB142AA#ABD, FB142AA#ABE, FB142AA#ABF, FB142AA#AK9, FB142AA#ABH, FB142AT#AK6, FB142AT#ABD, FB142AT#ABE, FB142AT#ABF, FB142AT#AK9, FB142AT#ABH, FB142AA#ABG, FB142AA#ARE, and FB142AA#UUF.
To find the SKU ID or Product ID on the iPAQ device, press Start > Settings > System > HP Asset Viewer > System.