Home> Download hp Drivers> Download sp55072.exe Drivers

Real Free Download HP sp55072.exe driver file

We Provide Real download link for sp55072.exe driver file, you can download official hp sp55072.exe drivers files free here, driver file size:7.6 MB, Just download sp55072.exe driver files for your hp device now!

sp55072.exe driver file free for hp

Driver File Name sp55072.exe
Device Type HP System BIOS Update
media Type Electronic
File Description This package creates files that contain an image of the System BIOS (ROM)for the supported notebook models with a 68SAD Family ROM. This package is used to flash the System ROM on support notebook. This package includes several methods for updating the BIOS version, as follows: - Use the HPQFlash Utility to update the BIOS directly in a Microsoft Windows Operating System environment. - Create a bootable USB Key to update the system BIOS. - Use System Software Manager (SSM) to update the system BIOS on target PCs in a network. NOTE: To determine the ROM family and ROM date, press F10 on the target notebook/laptop during startup to run the Setup Utility, and then view File/System Information.
Release Date Oct 24, 2011
Update Date Apr 17, 2016
Version F.20 Rev.
OS: Linux etc..
Download Download Free Now

1. Download the file by clicking the "Download" or "Obtain Software" button and saving the file to a folder on your hard drive (make a note of the folder where the downloaded file is saved).

2. Double-click the downloaded file and follow the instructions in the ReadMe.rtf file.
- Provides the 64-bit drivers.
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