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HP DesignJet 1050C and 1055CM Adobe PS3 v4.2 PostScript Drivers for Windows4.0 for the following printers: HP DesignJet 1050C and HP DesignJet 1055CM.
Installation Instructions: To download click the download link to the driverand select the destination directory in your PC. After that you will have anexecutable file (.exe) that you just need to double-click to expand in your PC.It will create the following path: Datacd-rrWinNT(Language you selected).To Install: For NT 4.0 JTCK: Go to Start -> Settings -> Printers, anddouble-click Add Printer. For NT 4.0 EFGIS : in Datacd-rrWinNT(Language youselected) you will find an Setup.exe file. To install, double-click the Setupicon, then follow the instructions.