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HP hp color LaserJet 1500 classic install Drivers free download
File Detail
File Name
File Szie: 15.7 MB
Media Type:Electronic
OS:not set
Below are easy-to-follow instructions for downloading and installing your Mac printing solution.
Before proceeding with the software installation, the printer must first be properly set up, and your computer must be ready to print.
Turn on the printer first, then the computer.
Close any screen savers, virus protection programs or other software programs that are running on your computer.
Download the file to your hard drive.
Expand the file by finding the directory where the file was saved. Double click on the file.
To install the files, double click on the Installation program. Printer support files will be installed into their appropriate locations.
Please read all related installation, general information, and licensing sections of the README files which are included with most software and drivers from this site.