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HP iPAQ Pocket PC Inbox Attachment XIP Update Drivers free download
File Detail
File Name
Version: 1.00 A
File Szie: 9.5 MB
Media Type:Electronic
OS:not set
This package contains the ROM Update Utility (RUU) and ROM image for the listed handheld model and operating system. Use Microsoft ActiveSync to synchronize the personal information manager (PIM) data with Microsoft Outlook on a desktop and to save a copy of user data, if any, before performing the ROM update. After completing the ROM update, establish a new ActiveSync partnership with the desktop. The handheld will be synchronized with the PIM data from Outlook. Reinstall any user-installed programs and user data, if necessary.Because of changes in the registry and system files introduced by the new ROM, the new ROM will not recognize a backup file generated using the previous ROM.