We Provide Real free download link of hp N9120 Auto Thresholding and Performance Patch. drivers, you can download official hp N9120 Auto Thresholding and Performance Patch. drivers free here, driver file size:, Just update N9120 Auto Thresholding and Performance Patch. driver for your hp device now!
HP N9120 Auto Thresholding and Performance Patch. Drivers free download
File Detail
File Name
Version: 1.0
File Szie: 1.1 MB
Media Type:Electronic
This patch fixes 2 issues in the N9120 TWAIN software, v3.6.1:
When duplex-scanning light images and selecting the Auto threshold for black and white option, the back side of each document scanned may appear washed out, or much lighter than the original.
Scan performance degrades when scanning medium to large stacks of documents (40 sheets or more). This issue is more noticeable when duplex-scanning.